Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Year! Another Chance to make some changes!

Well, I just looked at my last post which was from Nov 2008! I would say I am embarassed, but what the heck! Just says that life around here has been really busy! Hmmmm! Which brings up some questions? Will I post more often? Will I finally get my system synchronized so I can upload more pictures? Will I remember anything? LOL! Guess we shall see. Here are some of the things I hope to do this fine year of 2009;

  1. Sleep - Get some more this year. My poor husband has sleep apnea so the tests show we might actually get some more sleep this year! (plus a little machine to help in that dept)
  2. Slow down a little? - Probably not. Worth a shot since I will be out of commission for 6 weeks starting Feb 12th! My brain and body do not like to slow down. Its a burden I have had to learn to deal with most of my life. LOL! Even my surgeon says I am One Tough Lady!
  3. Have fun with family! This is always a must. This year, with new family members living here, this will definitely be a lot of fun! (at least for me!) I know that I have entered the "Crazy Aunt Sheila" zone with my nieces and nephews, but at least I contribute something to their memories of their relatives. (should I buy a lampshade and tiara?)
  4. I would love to write a bunch of "To Do" Stuff, but I gave all of that up since it causes enough stress.
  5. Take more pictures ~ This is a definite Must and I will get some help from my girls since they are always snapping away at something.
  6. Just be me! Gotta love that one as that is a never ending boring process!

Okay, now I am off to get started on my Spring Closet Round-up!


sbuxcivilengr16 said...

I feel bad for David too, I hope you accomplish everything on your list. I never make lists anymore I know I will not accomplish the things I strived for, If there is one thing I have accomplished it is Failure. I am a pro at it. I had a feeling I was a natural at it and my CompTIA A+ scores just confirmed it. David does not understand how much it hurt and knocked me down, I was wounded by that so much I wanted to die because the pain I would feel would have been less than having to see the words on that screen "you did not pass the CompTIA A+ Essentials exam" That was the last time I tried for anything. This year has just been horrible, Mrs. Thomas was not here to rescue me when I had a problem. She is my hero. I was just laying their wounded and nobody cared , David the only person I still talked to would rather leave me on the side of the road to die than care about me. I miss being loved, I miss mrs.Thomas. I feel so alone with out her. By the way why are you having surgery, or should I just ask David?

Shera said...

Wow! Sorry to hear you are having a hard time. Being a Senior can be tough. Excited to graduate and then the next day after graduation it can be scarey enough to want to go back to Kindergarten just to stay in a "safe zone". LOL! I remember feeling like that. What I have learned is not to broaden my horizons and try not to focus on one thing (Unless its my kids of course) Tests are tests. Remember they were all created by human beings that make mistakes too. If you fail at something like a test. maybe its a chance for you to open up and try something else? The fact that you tried it (even though you didn't pass this time) you are not a failure. Remember, Albert Einstein flunked Math. Look what he eventually did.... Anyone can be a hero. How about being your own "hero"? Wouldn't that be something? I think you can do it! Although I do know it is hard at your young age to think you could ever possibly be a "hero" in someone else's eyes. Give yourself a break, and some time. Keep working at it, I know you will get there! Oh, the surgery? Well, I am having a total hysterectomy. Something I wasn't sure I needed, because I have a high tolerance for pain, but just another part of my life that I will get through. :)
If you need to chat, I am here! Sounds like you need a hug!

Shera said...

Okay, Now I see I made a mistake and did not proofread. "What I have learned is not to broaden my horizons and try not to focus on one thing (Unless its my kids of course)" Should have stated "to broaden my horizons" and take out the "not". LOL See, its okay to make a mistake. If someone doesn't like it? Too bad for them, I have better things to do. :)