Thursday, September 20, 2007

More Kitties

Kitty Pictures

Camp Furry Town

Look at the real estate! Perfect sunny weather, nice neighbors, no need to mow the grass! This is where the real work is! Come on out and join the fun!

Dinner time

Looks like someone is too hungry to wait!

As you can see, chow time is serious business. I will have to ask how many buckets of cat food and how long it took to feed all of the hungry cats, but I'll bet it took a very long time.

Supplies are still needed

This is a picture of the supply tent. As you can see, this is a massive effort that is ongoing and they are taking donations of money, cat food, etc. Their plan was to go in and provide health examinations, food, and love to the cats and then see if they can find homes for all of them. If you visit the Best Friends website (posted as one of my links) you can make your tax free donations, or even volunteer to help. I will check on the latest count of adopted cats. I thought Meowzer had said they were able to place 125 cats already.


Huts, provided the volunteers and cats some respite from the heat. As they had swamp coolers.

Command Center

This was the mobile command center, where everyone checked in and found out where they would be assigned for their jobs. Meowzer said it was amazing how fast they were able to set-up assistance to be able to help these wonderful cats. Otherwise they might all have been euthanized.

How Many Cats can you find in this picture

Kitty, said that while she was there it was always around 120 degree's during the day. Looks like these guys are wore out by the heat. Can you count them. If you guess right, you may be able to take one home! (not really, there is more to it than that, but look how cute they are!)

The Great Kitty Rescue

Well, there is so much to say about all of the wonderful work by "Meowzer" and her Best Friends Pal's. I will let the photo's speak for themselves, but would like to preface by saying (too many to post) that there were over 700 cats that were rescued, after a person, thinking they were helping, hoarded these wonderful cats, but could not keep up with all of their needs. By the way, they are adoptable! :) Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Best Friends Website

Tomorrow, I will be posting some photos a dear friend of mine at work, was able to take when she travelled to Pahrump Nevada. She is a volunteer for Best Friends, and went there to assist with the Great Cat Rescue. This person is a true inspiration to me, as she takes on a lot of jobs that some people might not want to do. She gives a lot of her "vacation time" to animals in need and reminds us what special creatures we all are. These pictures will give a glimpse of the type of work she and her other volunteers do, and of course, if anyone out there is doing the same, feel free to post a message. This is such important work! In the meantime, I have posted the Best Friends website on my main page. There you will find some great opportunities. Until then, good night! Can't wait for tomorrow. God Bless you!
